Thursday, January 17, 2008


Over the last number of weeks we have visited congregations we have never been to before, spoken with people we have never met and worshiped with strangers. We had people coming up to us by the end of the worship and telling us that they were praying for us and would continue to do so.

In addition, I am taking an online class and have mentioned on that website that my family and I are going to be moving to Africa and the number of people who have emailed me and told me they were praying for me was 100% of the members of my class.

These and the number of our dear friends and beloved family that continually encourage us in prayer are staggering and quite humbling.

I am truly humbled by Gods spirit in these great worriers. I have always read and been aware of the "body" analogy that Paul uses to describe the church. I don't know why I am always amazed when someone says that they are praying for me since they are the body and image of Christ. In Ephesians 1 Paul states "22And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way." Paul is saying that the body, the church is the fullness of Christ. It is to be and represent all that Christ is in all his attributes. Christ always prayed. He always took his fears and the needs of others to the father. I thank all of you who go before our great Father to pray and fast for me and my family, for being the essence and fullness of Christ. We cherish your prayers. Keep them coming. They are working.

We also want each of you to know that we have prayed your name to God so that your strenght and endurance will continue.