Now, this is not the image you would expect to follow this title. In many Christian circles one would expect to be scolded or mocked when associating Joy with a material object but I say "blahh" to that. As you can see my boat is not one that a normal person would take pride in and so the shear ugliness of it protects me from becoming proud but without doubt it has been the focal point for much of my joy over the last 2 weeks.
This boat was bought completely without my blessing and against my better judgment. It has brought financial pain since I have spent almost as much keeping it floating (literally) and running as I did to purchase it. It has brought physical pain at the hands of my brother and brother-in-law who find their joy in turning the 75 foot rope that tethers me to the boat into a slingshot (by the way, I fully understand the principle of water being a solid surface at high speed). Yet, over the last two weeks it has brought such joy into our lives.
My brother and I have not had the greatest relationship over the last 10 years. We have been separated by distance both physically and spiritually. Over the last 10 years of our lives he and his family have not visited us once but in the last year they have been here twice. The most recent occasion was two weeks ago. We took them to the lake and spent the day on the beach and on the boat. It was such a great time of healing and joy. We had time to communicate. We enjoyed being boys again like we did as children. I had the chance to see that there was a seed of faith growing in him again and that maybe he was looking for nourishment in this visit. Oddly enough, I was nourished more than I expected. I praise God for this.
This past weekend we took our boat and went to the lake and beach again (now our favorite thing to do); this time with our dear friends the Drewetts. We have missed them since they moved to Austin. As we all were enjoying our day I could not help but wonder how many more times we would enjoy such great friends and how many wonderful memories we would make with them and so many others like them before we move to Rwanda. I was actually getting down about it and feeling depressed but then I started to think. This was opportunity to see the joy of the moment. Over the last few months I have been focusing on the future and not the present. I have been praying for peace and not only has God given me this but in the last few weeks he has given me great Joy.
I ask for prayers for joy in the moment. I have a habit of "planning joy" but that does not work with four kids. So I ask to see the joy that is in my own house with my own children.
I ask for prayer for my brother and his family and for his walk with God. He has known a close walk with God in the past and I pray he will long for it again.
Sounds silly but I pray that my boat will go all summer without failure (as it has every summer since buying it) and that it will continue to bring me and my family and my great friends joy.