Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Home Alone!

Well, I find myself home alone on this New Year's Eve.  This is my year to be on call.  I cannot complain much as I have not been on call for New Year's for many years as I have often had the privilege to attend the Cotton Bowl many times in the last 5 years.  Yes, sometimes I have volunteered to work on Thanksgiving or Christmas just to be off on New Year's day.  In case you're wondering about my preference towards Bowl Games over Christmas, please see my previous post.  (for the record, I do love Christmas more than Bowl Games).  

As I sit here and attempt to watch the mini-series John Adams I find myself meditating on the joy of the last year and day dreaming about the joy of the year to come. 

I think of my dear children and the changes that have come to our family this year.   First and foremost we have no more diapers in our home.  There is almost no more joy for a parent of 4 children, who at one time, I think, had three children in diapers at one point.  

I think of my wonderful wife who so bravely stood by me in our decision and many times stood between me and certain death as we made our decision known to others.

I think of my son Samuel who still thinks he wants to paint water towers for a living.  I think that is awesome!

I think of Aaron who at his most intimate moment can still only say, "I wike you daddy".  He has no comforting or compassionate bone in his body so I cherish the word "wike" as I suspect it really means "love".  He has become our Big A.  That is what our family calls him.  Sometimes we refer to him as A.O.    He can spell his name but when he writes it he only writes AO.  

I think of Grace who has become the best swimmer.  Swimming was a passion of mine as a young teenager and even without my prodding she has come to love it.  She brings me such joy.  Of all our children she is most like me.  I ache to know the great Godly woman she is to become!

I think of Madelyn.  She has a 100% in spelling and I am not sure she has missed a spelling word in years.  She is independent.  She is the most capable and responsible 7 year old I have ever seen.  So much so I must constantly remind myself that she is also one of the most cunning.  She is the only child of mine that I cannot tell when she lies.  She is my challenge and that is also joy.

 I think of the day at the end of last year that I sat in a room alone with Marty Koonce and prayed that God would make his will for me and my family known.  I think of the day we sat in our home with the Koonces and gave our fears and anxiousness over to the Lord.  

I think of the night that Glenwood said they would stand behind us and provide for the needs of our family and support the work of God in Rwanda!!!

I think of Rt 230 Church of Christ who has surrounded us with prayer and said they will help us get to Rwanda.

I look forward to being able to give glory to God for that one last partner that will come to our aid and provide our ongoing work fund.  I look forward to being able to share that joy with all of you this year!

I look forward to arriving in Rwanda and joining a team of families that I already love so much.  I find joy in knowing that I will learn to speak the word of God in another language.  That I will see the hand of God change the hearts and lives of countless men, women and families.   I look forward to learning a new and exciting way of life. Learning to live life at a completely new pace.  I look forward in seeing how God will use this new life to change and mature the spirits of my already wonderful children.

I look forward to being in Rwanda on January 1, 2009 and being able to look back at all the ways God has provided for my family and the people of His church.

Bless all of you and know that I pray for you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bowls: Better than Christmas?

We have been in continuous prayer for our teammates in Togo.  The Koonces and Crowsons have left Togo for the last time and will be arriving in Rwanda shortly.  I lift them up to you to ask that you pray for them.

Here in Tyler, we are continuing to undergo even more changes and final chapters.  We have been blessed by family and friends this holiday season.  We realize that each holiday that passes will be the last celebrated with this family for the next 2 years.  We were blessed by the fellowship of family at Thanksgiving and had a wonderful office party for Christmas and anxiously look forward to Christmas with family.  

I know it seems trivial but one other "last" that is approaching is Bowl season.  We love college football in our home.  We love to watch the Sooners and the Penn State Nittany Lions.  We are going to miss Bowl season.  I love the controversy that surrounds the BCS.  Arguing about the rankings is half the fun.  Well this year it was made even worse.  I have always sat back in my chair and watched the big bowls and wondered what it would be like to be there.  Well, I have a patient that starts on the defense of the Utah Utes.  For those who don't know, they are considered "the BSC busters" again.  They will be playing the previously #1 team in the nation, Alabama in the Sugar Bowl.  The family of my patient called today and offered me two free tickets to the Sugar Bowl in the family section of the stadium.  

I was in pain.  I had to say no.  I wanted to go so bad but at this time in our life we are not equipped to make such a trip.  In a joking, sort of way, I am figuring out what Jesus was asking when he asked us to give up our lives for him.  

Sounds silly but stuff like this is a major part of our lives now.  Satan seems to be placing the world at our feet over the last year.  He has shown us many great things and I feel that we have been shown these things to make us want more and to make us more aware of what we won't have when we get to Rwanda.

Satan temped Jesus with splendor in Luke 4:

The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

 8Jesus answered, "It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only."

I love what God has done for us and we again recommit our lives to him and freely give up all things to serve him only.

Please continue to pray for our family.  Pray that we will continue to have courage and not be blind to the things Satan is throwing at us to distract us from God's will.

And lasty;  BOOMER SOONERS!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Current Needs

   ·      Kids clothes

o   Girls (all clothes should be knee length or longer)

§  Dresses/skirts with adjustable waist band , if possible in sizes 8,10,12

§  Jeans with adjustable waist band, if possible, in sizes 8,10,12

§  Very modest blouses 8,10,12

§  Shirts (three quarter sleeve, longs sleeve, short sleeves)

§  Underwear 8,10,12

§  Socks white and dress

§  Shoes sizes 12,1,2,3,4

·      Dress

·      Tennis shoes

·      Sandals

§  Hair clips/bows

§  Light dress sweaters  sizes 8,10, 12

§  Rain coats/windbreakers

§  Pajamas sizes 8,10,12


o   Boys

§  Jeans size 5,6,7 (slim or adjustable weight)

§  Dockers type pants blue and khaki colored size 5,6,7,8 (slim or adjustable weight)

§  short sleeve and long sleeve dress shirts 5,6,7,8

§  short and long sleeve t-shirts 5,6,7,8

§  shoes toddler sizes 8,9,10,11,12 and boys sizes 1,2

·      dress sandals

·      dress shoes

·      tennis shoes

·      boots

§  socks

§  underwear sizes 5,6,7,8

§  light jackets sizes 5,6,7,8

·          DVDs

o   Family friendly movies

·          Music

o   Any music

§  Oldies

§  Contemporary Christian

§  Pre 90s rock

o   Sheet music for

§  piano

§  simple music for guitar

§  clarinet

§  simple music for violin

·           Books

o   Educational

o   Bible study

o   Leisure

§  Historical fiction

§  fiction

o   Children’s books

§  Educational

·      Biographies for young readers

·      Books for 5-7 year old boys

·      Books for girls age 8-12

·            Hygiene items

o   Tooth brushes

o   Tooth paste

o   Deodorant soap

o   Dove green

o   Razors

§  schick twin (green or blue)

§  Venus breeze cartridges

o   Shaving cream

o   Shampoo and conditioner for kids and adults


·           Food Items  (these items need to be collected and packed in our container the first week of June 2009)

o    Holiday treats and items

o   Canned tomato paste

o   Rotel

o   Mac and cheese (dry cheese, no liquid cheese packs)

o   Peanut butter

o   Bulk size spices

o   Chips of all flavors

o   Dr. Pepper (no diet)

o   Candy bars of all kind

o   Dry food packets

§  Pasta sauces

§  Noodle packets

§  Mexican seasoning packs

§  Chili seasoning packs


·      Financial needs that we are praying for individuals or groups to donate

o   Container shipping costs $17,000

o   Container import tax in Rwanda $4000

o   Vehicle in Rwanda $32,000

o   Vehicle inport tax $10,000

o   Visas $400 per person

o   One year of school in Kigali Christian School $9600

o   Plane tickets for final travel to Rwanda $12,000

o   Generator $1300

o   Extras:

§  Solar panels for our home (plenty of power outages in Ruhengeri) $3200


Well, another "last" has come and gone.  It kind of felt that way even though it was not a true last but with the passing of this Thanksgiving we did realize we would not be with family next Thanksgiving.  It did have some emotion associated with it but I want to give credit to Kristin's family and say that rather than dwelling on this fact or complaining about it they were encouraging, peaceful and understanding.  I am thankful that they have realized the necessity of this mission.  I give thanks to the Lord for the Ford family and their continued love and prayers.

I did spend some time in reflection about the Thanksgiving to come.  We will find ourselves in the capital of Rwanda.  We will find ourselves with new family and I think we are both excited about the new relationships we will continue to build and nurture.  I am excited that we will be with the Koonce and Crowson families.  We look forward to sharing our hearts with them and we look forward to growing under God's guidance and nurturing.

Our planning has continued to vamp up a little as we winter arrives.  It has forced us to begin sorting out clothing for our children.  We have began the difficult task of planning for our children's clothing needs for the next 2 years.  They will no longer need winter clothes or hot summer clothing.  They will need two years of spring and fall clothing.  The weather in Rwanda is around 75-80 degrees all the time.  We realized that we are sorting their winter clothes for the last time and have already packed most of the summer clothing to give away.  

Each of these "lasts" continues to bring us closer to the reality of God's plan.  We are excited to begin this segment of our journey but we are also stressed by it.  Kristin and I have different ideas of what must be done first and what is the most important and as all married couples do, we take that out on each other.   Fortunately we have the love that God has granted us and we have a unified heart about this mission and God renews us with peace each day.  We have continued to pray together about this trip and we again ask that each of you remember to lift up our family and the work that we are undertaking.

Prayer needs this month:
Two families in our team are moving to Rwanda in the next 2 weeks.  The Koonce family and the Crowson family have said their goodbyes in Togo and are leaving this week.  Please pray for them.

We pray for safe travel for our family during the holidays and I pray that my family in Missouri will be as supportive as Kristin's was.  This will be our last Christmas for 2 years.

We are praying for our fund raising.  I have been blessed by two great workers in this area.  My partner at work, Sylvia, has undertaken the task of being our liaison to the other doctors in the clinic and has begun raising money in this area.  She has done an amazing job and so I ask that you pray for her and those who are giving.

We still await word from Preston Road church of Christ who is still considering a mission team to support.  We were told they would meet this month. 

We need prayers for planning.  We have many lists and they grow by the day.  Pray that we will not take the stress of this out on each other.

We do have continued financial needs and because our teammates are in the process of moving, our web site has not been updated to include our current needs list.  I will post that on this blog for now.

Thank you all for your prayers.  We are humbled to hear over and over again people say, "We are praying for you".   We are strengthened and encouraged by your love and the fact that we are not alone in this journey.

Blessings to all and Happy Thanksgiving.  Praise and Honor to the God of all.