Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bowls: Better than Christmas?

We have been in continuous prayer for our teammates in Togo.  The Koonces and Crowsons have left Togo for the last time and will be arriving in Rwanda shortly.  I lift them up to you to ask that you pray for them.

Here in Tyler, we are continuing to undergo even more changes and final chapters.  We have been blessed by family and friends this holiday season.  We realize that each holiday that passes will be the last celebrated with this family for the next 2 years.  We were blessed by the fellowship of family at Thanksgiving and had a wonderful office party for Christmas and anxiously look forward to Christmas with family.  

I know it seems trivial but one other "last" that is approaching is Bowl season.  We love college football in our home.  We love to watch the Sooners and the Penn State Nittany Lions.  We are going to miss Bowl season.  I love the controversy that surrounds the BCS.  Arguing about the rankings is half the fun.  Well this year it was made even worse.  I have always sat back in my chair and watched the big bowls and wondered what it would be like to be there.  Well, I have a patient that starts on the defense of the Utah Utes.  For those who don't know, they are considered "the BSC busters" again.  They will be playing the previously #1 team in the nation, Alabama in the Sugar Bowl.  The family of my patient called today and offered me two free tickets to the Sugar Bowl in the family section of the stadium.  

I was in pain.  I had to say no.  I wanted to go so bad but at this time in our life we are not equipped to make such a trip.  In a joking, sort of way, I am figuring out what Jesus was asking when he asked us to give up our lives for him.  

Sounds silly but stuff like this is a major part of our lives now.  Satan seems to be placing the world at our feet over the last year.  He has shown us many great things and I feel that we have been shown these things to make us want more and to make us more aware of what we won't have when we get to Rwanda.

Satan temped Jesus with splendor in Luke 4:

The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

 8Jesus answered, "It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only."

I love what God has done for us and we again recommit our lives to him and freely give up all things to serve him only.

Please continue to pray for our family.  Pray that we will continue to have courage and not be blind to the things Satan is throwing at us to distract us from God's will.

And lasty;  BOOMER SOONERS!!!