Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I want to let you all know that my dad passed away today. I have so little that I can say about it right now. Certainly we will miss him very much. The kids are broken, each in their own way. Samuel lost his fishing buddy and Madda lost a guy who thought she was the best.

As I wrote in my journal last night, and those of you who knew my dad, would agree that he led a life of torment. The end of his life was plagued not just by physical pain but by an emotional pain whose source was invisible to me and much of his friends. I know that Satan tormented him badly and my father allowed it as some sort of punishment for things in his past. He rarely shared those things with others but I know they weighed on him greatly. I am thankful for his rest now and the fact that he is set free.

I pray that God will bring justice upon the wicked and send his wrath upon the enemy. I pray that the sin of this world will pass away and all be made new again. I pray that Satan will be bound forever, never to torment another soul the way he did my father.

Please pray for my family and the time we will have together. Pray that we will find peace together and that I can bring the healing of Jesus Christ to my family over the next two weeks.
